Open Weekdays From 11am

550 Pacific Highway, Lake Munmorah,
New South Wales, Australia



Bill Ralley

Chairman of the Board

Colin Beggs

Vice Chairman of the Board

John Heaton


Sonia Geddes


Rosemary Elliott


Ross Churchland


Daniel Kovac



The Hon. Yasmin Catley MP

Member for Swansea
Minister for Police and Counter Terrorism


Alex Moore

Chief Executive Officer

Cathy Watson

Operations Manager

Michael Egan

Head Chef


Debra Lehmann

Steve Newell

Gemma Papa

Grant Watson

Annual Reports

2024 Report


2023 Report


2022 Report


2021 Report



Club Policies

Our Responsibilities

Club Munmorah is committed to our responsibilities concerning community support, responsible service of alcohol, responsible conduct of gaming and your privacy. The responsible service of alcohol is one of Club Munmorah’s most important responsibilities. All of the front of house staff have been trained to minimise the negative social impact of alcohol consumption and ensure alcohol is enjoyed responsibly at the Club.


Responsible conduct of gaming

Club Munmorah is committed to providing gaming and entertainment options for our members and guests in a responsible manner. As part of this commitment, Club Munmorah has been involved in the development of and provision for support in the solutions to problem gaming.


Your Privacy

Club Munmorah is committed to providing you with the highest levels of customer service. This includes protecting your privacy and keeping you informed of our privacy policy.


Privacy Policy

Registered under the Registered Clubs Act 1976, Club Munmorah is covered by the provisions of the Privacy Act 1998.


The principal activities of the club are:


  • Providing a venue for members and guests to engage in social activities
  • Supporting the community in sporting events
  • Providing members and their families with access to a range of services
  • Providing affordable meals
  • Providing a safe and friendly environment in which locals can meet

The club collects personal information from members including name, address, occupation, date of birth, contact details and gaming machine usage.


The club collects this information in order to:

  • Process membership applications
  • Meet statutory requirements under the Registered Clubs Act and other relevant legislation
  • Contact members about events and activities provided by the club
  • Analyse machine gaming usage
  • Club Munmorah must comply with the Privacy Act 1988 which regulates, among other things, the collection, storage, quality, use and disclosure of personal information.

Your personal information is collected after you lodge a membership application that has been approved under the Registered Clubs Act.


This personal information may include your full name, date of birth, phone and fax numbers, email address and street and postal addresses.


A recognised form of identification (i.e. passport or driver’s licence) is also required to confirm the details provided.


When or before, Club Munmorah collects personal information, the club will take reasonable steps to inform you of:


  • The purposes for which the information is collected
  • Where applicable, any law that requires the particular information to be collected
  • The main consequences for the user if all or part of the information is not provided We will only use your personal information (including email address) for the purpose for which you have provided it (eg: for application of club membership). We will not use it for any other purpose, nor will we disclose it, unless with your consent or in other circumstances where such use or disclosure is permitted under the Privacy Act.

From time to time, we may wish to carry out a voluntary survey for feedback. Before collecting survey results, we will advise you of the purpose of the survey (eg. to gain information for the club to improve services etc).


The club relies on the information provided by members to be accurate and current.


Personal information is stored and archived for a period of seven years. The Privacy Act allows individuals to access & alter records containing their personal information. To change your name on the membership base, supporting documentation from a government source is required. Change of addresses can be done by completing a‚ Change of Address‚ form.


Club Munmorah Limited Policy
The Responsible Service of Alcohol
The Club Munmorah is committed to the enforcement of the Responsible Service Alcohol.


The Club Munmorah will:

  • Not serve intoxicated patrons
  • Not serve takeaway alcohol to intoxicated patrons
  • Not serve minors
  • Not serve shots
  • Not serve jugs of spirits
  • Not allow excessive orders of liquor at the end of trading
  • Not supply liquor on deferred payment
  • Not encourage binge drinking
  • Keep a register of all patrons who have been refused service
  • Back their staff in their enforcement of the responsible service of alcohol
  • Serve 0.5 nips (1/2) when requested
  • Promote awareness of drink spiking
  • Supply jugs of fresh water on the bar at all times free of charge
  • Ensure that all service staff are adequately trained in RSA
  • Not engage in promotions that encourage excessive drinking
  • Always provide low & mid-strength alcoholic beverages at a reduced cost
  • Always ensure that, if required, a taxi is called for patrons
  • Always have coffee & tea facilities as well as non-alcoholic beverages available during trading hours

The Management of Club Munmorah will support all actions taken by the staff in regards to the refusal of service to intoxicated patrons.


Patrons are asked to keep in mind that staff, as well as the club, can face a fine of up to $5,500 for serving intoxicated patrons.

Dress Regulations

The following Dress Regulations policy has been approved by the Board of Directors.



  • All footwear, at all times, must be clean and not in tattered, torn or un-clean condition.
  • Socks are not required to be worn with all shoes.
  • Scuffs and sandals are permitted at all times.
  • Slippers of all types are not permitted to be worn at any time.



  • All shirts, at all times, must be clean and not in a tattered, torn or unclean condition.
  • Shirts or jumpers displaying security firm logos or the word “security” are only allowed at the Manager’s discretion.
  • Rude, distasteful or offensive motifs, pictures of illegal substances or items are not permitted to be worn at any time.
  • Singlets and sleeveless shirts are not permitted to be worn at any time by males.
  • Articles of swimwear are not permitted to be worn at any time.


Shorts and Pants

  • All shorts and pants, at all times, must be clean and not in a tattered, torn or unclean condition.
  • Football shorts are permitted up to 8:00pm.
  • Bike pants/shorts of all types are not permitted at any time.
  • Shorts or pants displaying security firm logos or the word “security” are only allowed at the Managers discretion.
  • Rude, distasteful or offensive motifs, pictures of illegal substances or items are not permitted to be worn at any time.


Football Jerseys

  • Dirty/torn football jerseys are not permitted.
  • Supporter’s jerseys are permitted if in a clean, un-tattered condition.


Objectionable Dress

  • Clothing that is immodest.
  • Any clothing that is dirty, greasy, tattered, torn or displays offensive, rude or illegal motifs and/or pictures (designer ripped jeans are allowed for females and males however discretion must be shown if the jeans are immodest)
  • Hats, caps, bandanas or headwear of all types for both males and females are not permitted at any time in the club unless it is to comply with a religious custom, medical condition or in the occasion of an event or special promotion within the Club.
  • In the event of headwear being worn for medical reasons, Management reserves the right to request a medical certificate if so desired.


Children’s Attire

  • Children under the age of 15 years are exempt from dress regulations.
  • For safety purposes, children of all ages must wear footwear at all times, in all areas of the Club, to include both internal and external areas.
  • For safety purposes, football/soccer or studded boots are not deemed as proper footwear for children at any time under any circumstances.


Management Right

  • At all times, under all circumstances, Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any person or ask to vacate the premises any person whom in the personal opinion of Management does not comply with the above requirements pertaining to dress regulations.

Privacy Policy


Club Food Policy


Contractor Policy


Gaming Plan of Management


Registered Clubs Act

An Act to make provision with respect to the rules and management
of registered clubs; to amend the Gaming and Betting Act 1912 and certain
other Acts; to validate certain matters; and for purposes connected therewith.
This Act may be cited as the Registered Clubs Act 1976.

2022 Company Constitution


We would like to thank our Sponsors for their contributions to helping Club Munmorah.

Find us


550 Pacific Highway, Lake Munmorah,
New South Wales, Australia